Religious OBE Experiments - Part 3
This is really "Part 4" of the series based on my own OBE experiments, with the three prior articles here:
- Meeting Jesus Christ Face To Face, (December 2015) and
- Religious OBE Experiments (September 2021)
- Religious OBE Experiments - Part 2 (October 2021)
Like the prior articles, this one comes from my second book, Lessons Out of the Body, which is out of print, from chapter 16, "Chasing God." Here is another OBE where I tried to contact God. This OBE narrative was from February 20, 2000:
This morning I tried to induce an OBE around 9:00 a.m., and was successful. After careful consideration, I decided to try once more to contact God.
I reached out with my mind with the intent of experiencing God and something strange happened. I was staring at the ceiling of my bedroom, and I noticed a spider crawling on the ceiling. Somehow, I knew this was another test as a second, third and fourth spider converged on the ceiling. Who or what was giving me this test?
Soon there were dozens of spiders on the ceiling above me. I realized I wasn’t really seeing spiders; I was seeing the illusion of spiders as part of the test. I also realized what the test was: before I could realize oneness with God, I had to embrace and experience God’s love. I had to raise my vibrations to the level of God. I reasoned that God loves all things, even spiders and the most hideous creatures on the planet. How could I expect to attain oneness with God until I raised my own love to that same level? Spiders were just the first question of the exam.
I suddenly became very emotional and pleaded my answer to the invisible helper who gave me the test, “Yes, I will love all things, even the spiders,” but I knew the test was not over: my ability (or inability) to love would be pushed far beyond my endurance, and that’s why I was so overcome with emotions. This was just the beginning; what other horrors would I have to face, and love? I was overcome with emotions and started sobbing until I was reintegrated with my body. I opened my eyes and thought about the OBE a long time before getting up.
So once again, my attempts to contact "God" from an OBE failed, but I learned some valuable lessons.
Many years later I read stories of other out-of-body travelers encountering "astral spiders" on their ceilings from an OBE, and I wonder: Is this some kind of Universal test we all must pass some day? Or is it some unknown fear-based trigger buried deep in our subconscious? It's hard to say, but having experienced it firsthand, it was sure emotionally charged. And once again, it defied all my expectations.
Bob Peterson
19 October 2021