Tuesday, September 10, 2024

"Raise Your Vibrations"

"Raise Your Vibrations"

by Bob Peterson

Several days ago I was meditating and wished for more encounters with what I call "Angels." These are powerful energy beings I've sometimes encountered in my OBEs, often by accident. I wondered, "How can I encourage more of these experiences?"

The answer came immediately: "Raise your vibrations."

Yeah, my vibrations have been pretty low lately. There's a lot happening in the world to fuel negative emotions and lower our vibrations:

  • War is raging between Ukraine and Russia.
  • War is raging between Hamas and Israel.
  • Prices of food, fuel, rent and everything else seem out of control.
  • Mass shootings and killings are in the news daily.
  • With the US elections looming, there's a lot of negative campaigning, with people on both sides pointing fingers and saying "Look how bad things are," plus the two big political parties have worst-possible-choice candidates.

Let's face it: we're all facing big challenges lately. So how can we raise our vibrations?

In January of 2020 I wrote an article titled Raising Your Vibrations in which I gave several techniques I use to raise my overall vibrations. They were:

  • Increase soul pitch
  • Listen to positive music
  • Love Meditation
  • Eliminate negativity, such as negative music and television news
  • Eliminate negative self-talk
  • Give yourself positive affirmations

These are all still great techniques. But greater challenges require greater techniques. It's time to level up! So here are some more ideas:

Spend time in nature

It helps to go out into nature. I love to go biking. I spend my summers in Minnesota, and there are lots of bike trails that take you through deep woods and past lakes. The Paul Bunyan trail, Heartland trail, Cuyuna, and many more. Getting out into nature can really help raise your vibrations.


Similarly, I love to go hiking in nature. There's just something "primal" about walking, especially if you can un-focus and clear your mind a bit. Maybe it's a throwback from when our ancestors were hunter/gatherers and did a lot of walking.

Go for a motorcycle ride

When I have the option, I love to ride my motorcycle out in the country. This is especially lovely in autumn when the leaves are turning colors and the air is fresh and crisp. I don't recommend freeways and city driving, which can actually lower your vibrations.

Be Near Water

You can raise your vibrations just by being near water. Visit a lake, a river, a stream, or the ocean. Just close your eyes and become absorbed in its healing vibrations. If you can, sit on a beach. If you can't do that, take a relaxing bath.


Find somewhere peaceful, sit quietly, close your eyes, and just let the sun shine on your face. When sunlight touches your skin, your body converts cholesterol into vitamin D, which can improve your mood.

Hug a Tree

It may seem corny or ridiculous to hug a tree, but it works. Show a tree some love and visualize its love return to you. There's something very grounding in trees.

Pet an animal

Show some love to an animal. It doesn't need to be a dog or cat, and it doesn't need to be your own pet. Pet any dog, horse, ferret, rabbit, or whatever. Most pets give love unconditionally, and most don't judge.

Pick-a-person love meditation

In this meditation, close your eyes and pick a person whom you love. Start with someone close to you, like maybe your wife, husband, or kids, or even just a friend. Visualize them and just send them feelings of love. Imagine hugging them. Imagine raising their vibrations. Then pick someone else, maybe not as close, like a relative, an aunt or uncle, niece or nephew, and do the same. Next, pick someone a little more distant, like a co-worker and do the same. Then do it for a grocery store worker, a hair stylist, etc.. Then try to do the same with multiple people: All your family. Then all your relatives. Then everyone in your life.


A lot of people talk about the power of gratitude. Being grateful can really increase your vibrations. Take some time to think about all the good things in your life and just feel grateful for them. Count your blessings. Then thank the Universe for them.

Help others

One of my greatest joys is helping others. Do something to help others, even if it's just holding the door at a store or restaurant. I've always been a "fixer" so it gives me great joy to help someone solve problems with their computer, television, or phone.

Chakra charge meditation

Sit down, close your eyes and visualize your chakras. Visualize them becoming charged with energy, spinning faster and faster, and interconnected.

Fountain of Joy meditation

Sit down, close your eyes and imagine a fountain of joyful energy shooting up from the ground, through your body, exiting out the crown chakra at the top of the head.

Fireworks meditation

This is similar to the Fountain of Joy meditation, except you pretend there are rockets of energy shooting up your spine, bursting joyfully overhead like fireworks. To quote the Katy Perry song, "Make 'em go Oh, Oh, Oh, as you shoot across the sky."

Full disclosure: I'm not a Katy Perry fan. In fact, I often do this meditation to my all-time favorite song by Yes, called "And You And I" which has music near the end that (to me) evokes images of fireworks shooting off.


Sometimes it's very healing to watch a lighthearted comedy. Everyone has different tastes in humor, just like music. I love silly comedies. The sillier the better. Watch "Airplane!" or "Police Squad" or "Top Secret". I also like the really old Marx Brothers movies like "Animal Crackers." One of my favorite comedy series is "Coupling".

You can also listen to youtube videos of various comedians doing standup. My favorite was Gallagher.

Just Breathe

Sit quietly, listen to your own breath. With each breath make believe that you inhale pure divine energy from the Universe and exhale all the negativity in your life.

Energetic Shielding

Sometimes you can "absorb" negativity from other people, such as a spouse or your parents, and not even know it. This is a big problem for empaths, people who naturally absorb the energy and feelings of people nearby. So it can be beneficial to do "energetic shielding". Just close your eyes, relax, and imagine a bright white light surrounding you. Affirm that no negativity can get through.


We are all interconnected. I've heard it said that separateness is an illusion: We are all One. There are no others. When we raise our vibrations, we help raise the consciousness of everyone. Perhaps this is what the world needs right now.

Bob Peterson,
10 September 2024