Friday, January 8, 2021

Out of Body Experiences

Out of Body Experiences

by Robert Peterson

Today I'm reviewing Out of Body Experiences: How to Have Them and What to Expect by Robert Peterson. Actually, no. I'm not reviewing it because I wrote it, and I'm obviously biased.

Many people buy astral projection and out-of-body experience books without knowing much about the contents. To help people make an informed decision, I've been doing detailed book reviews for many of these books. And I recommend that before you buy any book about it, check to see if I've done a book review. But it recently occurred to me: my own books--the books I wrote--are not represented in my list, so it is unfair to me to keep them out and say nothing.

I will say this: Out of Body Experiences was my first book, and it got pretty good reviews in the genre. It contains OBE exercises after every chapter, plus an entire chapter devoted to my most successful OBE technique.

It's divided into two parts. Part 1 is the story of how I became interested in out-of-body experiences, and my early out-of-body experiences and what I learned. It has lots of narratives to illustrate points. The chapters are as follows:

1. Background
2. My Childhood
3. First Contact
4. Beliefs Blown to Bits
5. Pokes and Prods
6. My First Out-of-Body Experience
7. The Party
8. Overcoming Fear
9. Scared to Death
10. The Small Still Voice Within
11. The Clairvoyant
12. Flight School
13. "Ever the Silver Cord Be Loosed"
14. A Helping Hand
15. What Astral Programmers do in their Sleep
16. To Believe

Part 2 is "What the Books Didn't Tell Me" and it contains everything I've observed about OBEs, such as how the sense of vision works in an OBE, how the mind works, etc., plus questions and answers. The chapters are as follows:

17. What the Books Didn't Tell Me
18. Fight for Sight
19. The Mind During OBEs
20. The Fantasy Trap
21. People and Animals
22. Out-of-Body Reality
23. Environmental Factors
24. How to Have an OBE
25. Psychic Experiences
26. Questions and Answers
27. The Final Frontier!

On the plus side, the book has a lot of good information. On the minus side, it was published in 1997, so it's a bit old by today's standards. Still, I'm giving it 5 stars. I feel the information is still relevant.

Bob Peterson

08 January 2021


If you want me to review a book about out-of-body experiences or astral projection, send me an email:, but please check the index first to see if I've already reviewed it. Also, I've got a huge pile of books I'm planning to review, so don't expect a quick turnaround.

If you like my work, visit my website,, where you'll find lots of other free OBE advice and links.

Return to the index of my OBE Book reviews

1 comment:

  1. I loved this book, Bob. Long ago I first read it for free online (Thank you❣️), and later bought it and read it again. Eventually, during one of my many moves (relocations) I lost the book, but later bought another one to have on hand. To me this book is a classic and a treasure, as are the 3 Robert Monroe books that I also read long ago and replaced them when they were lost.
    Hopefully I'll read them all again some day.
    There are so many OBE books that at times it can be overwhelming to choose which to read next (or again), but your reviews are very helpful. Thank you, Bob. Now I'm going to watch a video of you being interviewed 5 years ago. It's one of several videos I found of you. Sometimes if I'm either too tired, or can't sit still long enough, to read I watch videos of OBE conversations or interviews or Qs & As to stimulate my mind and heart.
